The story of an accidental revolutionary torvalds, linus, diamond, david on. The story of an accidental revolutionary by david diamond and linus torvalds 2002, paperback at the best online prices at ebay. The success of linux is just a side effect of him trying to fix holes in the road. Stick user guide, how to use fire stick just one cookbook essential japanese recipes chalk painting furniture made easy. The quest for art, entertainment, and big bucks in the videogame revolution heather chaplin, aaron ruby. Just for fun also includes an interesting dual narrative, featuring the ghost writer david diamond taking on full first person voice for some chapters clearly indicated in italics. Just for fun, the 2001 autobiography of linux kernel creator linus torvalds just for fun, a 1963 british musical. At first these interludes may seem jarring, but overtime they reveal more about linuss character and story than we would get from the linus chapters alone. Just for fun the story of an accidental revolutionary 1.
All things linux and gnulinux this is neither a community exclusively about the kernel linux, nor is exclusively about the gnu. An hilarious story of how linux was created, and of course a view inside linus mind. His apathetic approach to the whole situation conveyed a striking difference to all the other names that come to mind when thinking of the open source movement. During chinas cultural revolution, sidney rittenberg, an american citizen, became the most important foreigner in china since marco polo. Ethan frome twentiethcentury classics by edith wharton. Then he wrote a groundbreaking operating system and distributed it via the internet for free. The story of an accidental revolutionary ebook read ebook. The story of an accidental revolutionary linus torvalds.
The story of an accidental revolutionary book online at best prices in india on. If you pick up this book as a geeks guide to the meaning of life which, believe it or not, torvalds does ramble on about at the beginning and the end, then. Torvalds has just written a new memoir, called just for fun. Just for fun linus torvalds paperback harpercollins publishers. And his creation linux is used by over 12 million people as well as by companies such as ibm. Users who have contributed to this file 425 kb download history. The story of an accidental revolutionary linus torvalds, author, david. Once upon a time linus torvalds was a skinny unknown, just another nerdy helsinki techie who had been fooling around with computers since childhood. Torvaldse real genius lies not so much in his programming abilities, though those are extraordinary, but in his capacity for that thing so many of us never learn to do.
Just for fun the story of an accidental revolutionary. Fun story, it just turns out to be one of the most grounded and simplephilosophy minded, remarkable people, who just worked with passion on something to solve what he saw problems for him. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Torvalds gives the impression of being an average person who inadvertently walked into fame. The original design and ultimate destiny of the world wide web by its inventor. I didnt ducttape my glasses together, but i might as well have, because i. Linus torvalds on why he thinks c is the best language to develop operating systems. In short, just for fun tells the inspiring story of how a single passionate software developer can change the world and have fun doing it. Jun 04, 2002 once upon a time linus torvalds was a skinny unknown, just another nerdy helsinki techie who had been fooling around with computers since childhood. The story of an accidental revolutionary by linus torvalds 20010515. Arriving as a gi interpreter at the end of world war ii, he was the only american citizen to become a member of the chinese communist party, and was an active participant in the chinese communist revolution and its aftermath. Nobody will find a technical primer on linux in the pages of just for fun. In this witty and engrossing narrative, linus torvalds, the brilliant mastermind behind the latest technology revolution, chronicles his transformation from pale, skinny helsinki college kid to international folk hero. Published by harpercollins, coauthored by david diamond, entitled just for fun.
The story of an accidental revolutionary is a humorous autobiography of linus torvalds, the creator of the linux kernel, cowritten with david diamond. The story of an accidental revolutionary just for fun. For the love of physics walter lewin may 16, 2011 duration. The story of an accidental revolutionary reprint by torvalds, linus, diamond, david isbn. The story of an accidental revolutionary by torvalds. The article is pretty funny, talking about how it will reflect torvalds quirky irreverent personality as well as how it will be about business, linus, and linux.
But then again, the worlds leading promoter of open source software and creator of the. The story of an accidental revolutionary item condition. The story of an accidental revolutionary may 15 2001. Find file copy path sumitbsn initial commit 5347e4f sep 23, 2016. Up to 20 books are listed, in descending order of popularity. The story of an accidental revolutionary will be required reading. Log in you must be logged into bookshare to access this title. If you pick up this book as a geeks guide to the meaning of life which, believe it or not, torvalds does ramble on about at the beginning and the end, then youre in for a bit of a shallow take on the whole thing. The ultimate user guide to become an expert in just an hour just junk. Fun, torvalds believes, is at heart very far from the frivolous thing capitalism and religion have made. The story of an accidental revolutionary audio cd published may 15th 2001 by harperaudio abridged, audio cd, 0 pages.
The story of an accidental revolutionary by linus torvalds 20010515 linus torvalds. The accidental revolutionary tells the story of this forgotten founder, who may not have realized the repercussions of his words as he spoke them. First, hans, who could have satisfied himself with having the lad learn to read, write, and cipher before joining the family business, sent the boy to latin school at age 14 and then on to the university of erfurt. The story of an accidental revolutionary paperback june 4 2002. The accidental revolutionary christian history magazine. The story of an accidental revolutionary paperback jun 4 2002 by linus torvalds author, david diamond author 3. Just for fun, the 2001 autobiography of linux kernel creator linus torvalds. Almost anyone who has heard of computers has heard of linux, the computer operating system that is the closest rival. Most 31year olds cant boast of being the instigator of a revolution. The book primarily theorizes the law of linus that all evolution contributed by humanity starts for survival, sustains socially and entertains at last.
Elements of reusable objectoriented software addisonwesley professional computing series by erich gamma. Brimming with torvaldss candid observations and opinions, this is a mustread for anyone who. The story of an accidental revolutionary 288 pages. Publication date 2001 topics torvalds, linus, 1969, linux, computer programmers. Now, mahaffey delicately shows that whitefield converted colonists not just to christianity but to a renewed sense of unification that ultimately made possible the american revolution. Aug 29, 2014 for the latter, of course, just for fun. Posted in accidental, revolutionary, story tagged accidental, an, fun, just, revolutionary, story leave a comment post navigation just for fun linustorvalds development by creating an account on github. Brimming with torvaldss candid observations and opinions, this is a mustread for anyone who wants to know where high tech and business are going in the future. For high school graduation in finland, you wear a fluffy white hat with a black band. Harper bus harper bus computer programmer linus torvalds. The story of an accidental revolutionary view larger image. Despite common origins, two things set young luther apart. The story of an accidental revolutionary by linus torvalds and david diamond audio is a jaunty book about the early, dysfunctional days and brilliant albeit still young career of linux developer linus torvalds.
Just for fun isnt about to win any writing awards boy, i really hope i dont have to eat crow for saying that, but it provides a quick, enjoyable story. Musings on linux and open source by an accidental revolutionary. It was fun reading about the history of linux from the point of view of its creator. Its good reading for software developers everywhere, especially those with some sense of computer history and an interest in operating systems. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Just for fun ep, a 1963 split ep by bobby vee and the crickets just for fun canadian tv series, a canadian childrens. Just for fun chronicles torvaldss amazing lifefrom his eccentric childhood in finland, to his gangly, geeky teenage years when his greatest joy was writing programs on his grandfathers vic20 computer, to his rise to worldwide fame with linux. The story of an accidental revolutionary audio cd abridged.
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